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On-Spot Project Review (BAS-USDA 6th Phase)- Jun'24
26 June, 2022
Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS), in partnership with the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), is seeking candidates to participate in the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting dedicated to Chemistry from 26 June – 1 July 2022 in Lindau; Germany. About 600 highly talented young scientists worldwide will be the audience for lectures, panel discussions, and small-size discussion sessions.
Eligible applicants should demonstrate a strong commitment to the field of Chemistry and closely related disciplines of science. All nominated participants should meet the following criteria in order to participate:
1. Applications are open to graduates or post-doctoral students who are South African citizens totaling (12). Specifics are:
Postdoctoral scientists in particular should:
2. Applicants must be 35 years or younger at the time of the meeting.
3. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding academic accomplishments.
4. Applicants should have presented their research at international meetings and be able to communicate in English and have the desire to participate in discussions.
5. Applicants should not hold a permanent position (scientists with permanent positions, in particular a professorship, will not be considered).
6. Applicants should not have participated in previous Lindau meetings.
7. Applicants should commit themselves to be present for the full duration of the meeting.
Applications should be submitted with all the listed attachments at once quoting your surname and initials as follows: SITHOLE E.K Nomination for 71st Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting:
The deadline for sending nominations is 21 October 2021.