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Prof. Shahjahan Khan

(Expatriate Fellow, )

Bangladesh (BD)
Bangladesh (BD)

Professor Shahjahan Khan was born in Gopalgonj district, Bangladesh in 1953.

Professor Khan earned BSc Honours and MSc in Statistics from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh; and MSc and PhD in Statistics from University of Western Ontario, Canada.

He has been serving as the Founding Professor of Statistics, University of Southern Queensland, Australia; and held positions in University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; University of Western Ontario, Canada; King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia; University of Bahrain, Bahrain; and Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. 

Dr. Khan received prestigious Q M Hossain Gold Medal from Bangladesh Statistical Association (2012); ISESCO-ISOSS Gold Medal (2001); and ISOSS Gold Medal (2007) for outstanding research contributions and international professional leadership; presented 18 research workshops, 28 keynote addresses, and over 60 invited talks in scholarly gatherings; supervised 16 PhD and 3 MPhil students; received a number of community service awards including Queensland Cultural Diversity Ambassador Award (2014), Queensland Police Service Award (2017), USQ Vice- Chancellor’s Award of Excellence for Community Service (2013), and USQ Award of Excellence for Diversity and Inclusion in 2018.

He published three books including a recent book on Meta-Analysis Methods for Health and Experimental Sciences by Springer Nature, three book chapters, and over 250 peer reviewed research papers.

He  has been the Founding Chief Editor, Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics (JAPS) since 2005; Guest Editor, Journal of Statistical Research and Pakistan Journal of Statistics; Editor, Journal of Statistics and Applications; and Editor, Proceedings of ICCS-15 (2020).

Professor Khan was the Chair, Discipline of Statistics; Director, Master of Science Research; Elected Member of Academic Senate, University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Chair of USQ Multicultural Staff Network (2013-2019); set up Statistical Consulting Unit; developed Graduate Diploma in Science program (2009) and MSc Program in Mathematics and Statistics (2010).

Professor Khan was the President, Islamic Countries Society of  Statistical Sciences (ISOSS), during 2005-2011, organized international conferences in Malaysia (2007), Egypt (2009), Qatar (2011), Indonesia (2014), Pakistan (2013) and Bangladesh (2008). He was a Visiting Scientist/Professor at Tokyo University, Japan; National University of Singapore; Carleton University, Canada; Calcutta University, India; University of Malaya, University Science Malaysia, University Technology Malaysia, and University Putra Malaysia; Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia; Dhaka University, Chittagong University, Rajshahi University, Hazrat Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, North South University, Daffodil International University, University of Heath Sciences, Bangladesh; and University of the Punjab, Karachi University, Pakistan. Presented research workshops in Australia, Brunei, Malaysia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

He was elected as Expatriate Fellow of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) (Bangladesh); Elected Member of International Statistical Institute (Netherlands); Fellow of Royal Statistical Society (UK); Institute of Mathematical Statistics (USA), Statistical Society of Australia; Statistical Society of Canada; Life Member of Bangladesh Statistical Association and Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences.

He visited Australia, Brunei, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Turkey, China, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Egypt, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, USA, UK, Luxemburg, Belgium, France, UAE, Kuwait, Libya, Jordan etc. 

Email: Shahjahan.Khan@usq.edu.au

Bangladesh (BD)
Last updated on 20/01/2025