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(Associate Fellow, 2021)
Professor Mohammed Almujaddade Alfasane was born on 1 December 1976 in Mymensingh, Bangladesh. He did SSC from Gafargaon Islamia Government High School in 1991 and HSC from Notre Dame College, Dhaka in 1993. He obtained First Class securing First Position in both the B. Sc. (Hons.) in 1997 and M. Sc. (Thesis) in 1998 examinations from the Department of Botany, University of Dhaka. In 2008, he earned his Ph.D. in Hydrobotany from the same University. He has been working as a Professor, Department of Botany, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh since 2013. He joined the department as Lecturer in 2003. He is also serving as a Guest Faculty of General Science and Environment course in Marketing and Accounting & Information Systems Departments, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Dhaka.
His fields of specialization comprise Phycology, Limnology and Hydrobiology. His research highlights include describing 14 phytoplankton; 2 seaweeds Caulerpa chemnitzschi var. irregulare Aziz & Alfasane, Caulerpa sertulariodes var. robusta Aziz & Alfasane; 1 aquatic Nelumbo nucifera ‘Gomoti’ Cultivar; 1 aquatic insectivorous Utricularia rosettifolia Alfasane & Hassan as new to science; invention of Nano filter from Pithophora algae for drinking water purification and invention of high-performance supercapacitor from Pithophora polymorpha algae derived carbon with other collaborators at home and abroad. The newly described 14 phytoplankton taxa are: (i) Phacus bangladeshensis Islam et Alfasane (ii) Phacus pulcher var. major Islam et Alfasane (iii) Phacus subpulcher Islam et Alfasane (iv) Lepocinclis caudata var. intermedia Islam et Alfasane (v) Strombomonas bonariensis var. dentatis Islam et Alfasane (vi) Trachelomonas barisalica Islam et Alfasane (vii) Trachelomonas longistriata Islam et Alfasane (viii) Trachelomonas nadsoni var. acuta Islam et Alfasane (ix) Trachelomonas nadsoni var. crassa Islam et Alfasane (x) Trachelomonas tympanum var. magnum Islam et Alfasane (xi) Trachelomonas bilaterospinosus Islam and Alfasane (xii) Trachelomonas goossensii var. minor Islam and Alfasane (xiii) Trachelomonas selecta var. glabra Islam and Alfasane (xiv) Pediastrum duplex var. duplex fa. nagdaensis Alfasane. In addition, more than 200 algal taxa and 9 aquatic macrophytes have been newly recorded from Bangladesh. He has published over 65 research articles, 7 books and 2 book chapters. He has published his research findings in high impact factor Journals published by the American Chemical Society, The Chemical Society of Japan, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, Italian Carnivorous Plant Society etc.
He supervised 4 Ph.D., 1 M.Phil. and 28 M.S. students and currently supervising 1 Ph.D. and 4 M.S. students. He is an external examiner of Ph.D. thesis evaluation of foreign countries. He has been serving as the Chief Editor of the Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy [ISSN 1028-2092 (print), 2224-7297 (online) Clarivate Analytics] since 2019.
Prof. Alfasane is an Associate Fellow of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Life Member of Bangladesh Botanical Society, Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists, National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute (NOAMI), Dhaka, Bangladesh etc. He presently serves as Joint Secretary General of the Bangladesh Botanical Society (2021-2023) and Treasurer of the Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists (2019-2023). He served as Joint Secretary of National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute (2011-2013), Treasurer of Dhaka University Club (2018-2019), Executive Member of Bangladesh Botanical Society (2018-2020) and Convenor of Bangladesh Botany Olympiad, Dhaka Division (2018-2022). Moreover, He is the Editorial Board members of Bangladesh Journal of Botany, contributors of Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh and reviewer of different international journals, viz., Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, Journal of Hazardous Materials etc. Several awards have already been credited to his account.