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(Fellow, 1978)
Dr. Syed Bazley Ali was born in Bogra, Bangladesh, on 1st March, 1925.
Dr. Ali earned M.Sc. in Botany from University of Calcutta, 1946; Diploma in Botanical Survey of India, Shibpur, Calcutta 1948; M.S. in Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, U.S.A 1954; Ph.D. and DIC in Botany and Plant Pathology, Imperial College, London University 1957; Post-doctoral Fellow University of Gottingen, West Germany 1962-1964.
Dr. Bazley Ali worked as a Senior Lecturer in Botany, Dhaka University, 1949-1952. Plant Pathologist, Dept. of Plant Protection Research Station, Karachi, Pakistan, 1957 - 1967; Reader and Head of the Department of Plant Pathology, East Pakistan Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 1962-1964; Chief Agronomist, East Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation, Dhaka, 1965-1966; Principal Research Officer-in-Charge, Defence Science Organization, Karachi, Pakistan 1966-1973; Chief Scientist and Scientific Adviser, Defence Science Organization, Ministry of Defence, Dhaka 1973- 1978; Joint Secretary-in-Charge of Science and Technology Division, Government of Bangladesh, 1978-1980.
Dr. Ali received the Hamdard Laboratories (Works) Bangladesh Gold Medal, November 2005. Dhaka University 50 years Botany Department Crest, 21 April 2006.
He has 41 papers in these and other fields like environmental studies, published at home and abroad. Most of Dr. Ali’s work are in the fields of Botany, Plant Pathology, Agronomy, Cell Biology, etc.
Dr. Ali was associated with a large number of National and International Scientific Associations like World Federation of Scientific Workers. He was Associate Secretary and Member, Council of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 1985-1986, 1993-95; President, Bangladesh Botanical Society (1976-1977); Vice-President, Bangladesh Microbiological Society (1982-1984); Vice-President, Bangladesh Association of Scientists & Scientific Professions (1975-1977); Vice-President, Bangladesh German Almuni Assocation (1980-1981); President, Bangladesh Humboldt Club (1986-1988); Vice-President, Society for Conservation of Nature and Environment (1984 - 1988).
Dr. Ali represented Pakistan at International Plant Protection Seminar in Berlin, 1960; Bangladesh at International "Grune Woche" in Berlin, 1975; Commonwealth Defence Executive Meeting and Conference, Delhi, 1975; Tour of Indian Scientific Research Institutions, 1976.
He was Member, Delegation to 27th International Pugwash Conference, Munich, West Germany, 1977; Headed the Delegation to GIAM 5 (Global Impact of Applied Microbiology) Conference, Bangkok, 1977; Executive Committee Meeting of Commonwealth Science Council, Cyprus, 1978; London, 1978; Bangladesh Bilateral Specialist Meeting at Ryadh, 1978. Member Delegation to ERTC meeting at Manila, 1978. Member, Science Delegation to U.K and Sweden, June 1978. Asia and Pacific Seminar on Science and Technology for Development, Tokyo, 1978; 10th Commonwealth Science Council Executive Committee Meeting, George Town Guyana, 1978; Research Management Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, 1979; Cooperation meeting with Korean Instt. of Technology, Seoul, 1979; UNESCO-UNCSTD Preparatory Meeting, Paris and New York, 1979; Asian Workshop on Science & Technology Policy, Bangkok, 1979. UNCSTD Conference Vienna, 1979; Administrative Staff College Co-operation Study Bangkok, 1981; F.R.G. Plant Protection Conference, Giessen, FRG, 1984; Alexander von Humboldt Club Presidents Conference, Bonn, Germany, Sept. - Oct., 1992; BAHC- Scientists Conference Toulouse, France, Nov. 1993.
Dr. Ali was a Fellow of Linnean Society, London; Member, American Phytopathological Society; Royal Mycological Society, U.K; Member of the Senate of Dhaka University; Member, Executive Council of Bangla Academy (1979 - 1980); Executive Member of Commonwealth Defence Science Council (1974 - 1976); Executive Member of the Commonwealth Science Council (1978 - 1980). Secretary, National Science Council (1979 - 1981).
Dr. Ali expired on 03 August 2008.