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Fellow CV
List of Publications


Dr. Anwar Hossain (Deceased)

(Fellow, 1985)

Bangladesh (BD)
Bangladesh (BD)

Dr. Anwar Hossain was born in 1931.

He obtained M.Sc. in Physics (First Class First) in 1952 from Dhaka University and Ph. D. in Nuclear Physics from the University of Bristol (U.K.) in 1955.

He was appointed Lecturer in Physics in Dhaka University. In 1960, Dr. Hossain joined the Atomic Energy Commission and continued until he became Chairman of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) in 1976. He carried out important research work during this period and made valuable contribution in the field of Science and Technology in the country. He was Visiting Scientist, CERN (European Nuclear Research Laboratory) in 1960- 1961, Guest Scientist at Studsvik (Sweden) in 1967-1968. Dr. Hossain continued as Chairman, BAEC until 1988 when he retired.

He was awarded a Gold Medal and a Certificate of distinction for scholarly achievement from the Institute of Oriental Philosophy (Japan). From early 1970s till 1982, Dr. Hossain developed Space and Remote Sensing research in the country, created the Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) and became its Founder Chairman (concurrently with his position in BAEC) in 1980. He also worked as UN Consultant in ESCAP, Bangkok for 3 months (1980) and developed the Regional Remote Sensing Programme in Asia. The programme has been implemented and is continuing.

Dr. Hossain published more than 60 scientific papers in national and foreign journals. Wrote more than 100 scientific articles on  energy, remote sensing, Ecology and Science Policy and attended many national and international confernces and published three scientific books.

He started as a consultant first in Solar Energy and then in Wind Energy. He was the team leader of a group studying wind speed of Bangladesh coastal area in 1996-1997. In the following year, he studied the operation of a mechanical wind pump at Patenga. In 1999, he was wind energy Consultant in LGED and in 2000 he acted as wind energy Consultant of World Bank. Dr. Hossain was Power Advisor, Infrastructure Investment and Facilitation Centre (IIFC) and developed the concept of Remote/Rural Area Power Supply System (RAPSS) in the private Sector (2000-2004).

Dr. Hossain was national consultant (Bioenergy) of FAO in 2005 and worked as Sustainable Energy Consultant in GTZ (2006).

In 2005, Dr. Hossain was the Coordinator of a seminar jointly    organized by BAS and Goethe Institute, Dhaka. The proceedings has been published as a book under his editorship (2006). Dr. Anwar Hossain was a member, Committee for Promotion of Renewable Energy in Bangladesh.

After retirement, Dr. Hossain acted as UNDP/FAO consultant for SPARRSO in 1990-1991. In 1993, Dr. Hossain became Senior Fellow in Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS). He was Fellow of Bangladesh Acadmey of Sciences and was Chairman, Bangladesh Human Ecology Council and Vice-Chairman of    Commonwealth Human Ecology Council, London.

Dr. Hossain expired in 2007.

Bangladesh (BD)
Last updated on 16/09/2024