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(Foundation Fellow, 1973)
Dr. Muhammad Osman Ghani was born in the village Gozadia, Kishoreganj, Bangladesh on 1 March, 1912.
He obtained his M.Sc. in Biochemistry from Dhaka University in 1935 and Ph.D. in Agricultural Chemistry from the London University in 1938. He was awarded D.Sc. (Honoris Causa), from University of Northern Colorado, U.S.A., 1967.
Dr. Ghani was the Deputy Director of Agriculture, Govt. of Bengal, 1939 - 1940. Lecturer Class I in Agricultural Chemistry, Dhaka University, 1940 - 1944; Special Officer-cum-Secretary, Post-War Reconstruction in Agriculture, Government of Bengal, Calcutta 1944 - 1945; Agricultural Chemist, Government of Bengal and later Government of East Pakistan, Dhaka, 1945 - 1949; Professor and Head of the Department of Soil Science and Provost Salimullah Muslim Hall, Dhaka University, 1949 - 1956; Agricultural Development Commissioner, East Pakistan 1956 - 1959; Member, Food and Agriculture Commission, Government of Pakistan, 1959 - 1960; Director, North Regional Laboratories, Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Peshawar, 1960 - 1961; First Vice-Chancellor, East Pakistan Agricultural University, Mymensingh, 1961 - 1963; Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka University, 1963 - 1970; High Commissioner for Pakistan in Tanzania, Dares-Salem, 1970 - 1971.
Dr. Ghani received Sitara-e-Quaid-e-Azam (SQA) 1959; Sitara-e-Pakistan (SPK) 1964 for contribution to education, science and agriculture; D.Sc. (Honoris Causa) for establishing Institute of Education and Research in Dhaka University with support from Colorado State College, USA. Dr. Ghani was elected a Member of the Bangladesh Parliament in 1979 and was leader of the Independent Group of MPs in Bangladesh Parliament.
He has a large number of publications in the scientific jouranls of India, Pakistan, UK and USA.
Dr. Ghani carried out research on soil and fertilizers, plant and animal nutrition, soil phosphorus. Fractionation of soil phosphorus, phosphate fixation in soil, availability of soil phosphorus, its determination and transformation.
Dr. Ghani was President, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, 1976 - 1988; Fellow, Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 1954; Vice-President, PAS, 1967 - 1969 and General Secretary, PAS, 1961 - 1967; President, Pakistan Association for the Advancement of Science, 1958; Founding Member, BAS, 1973; Founding Member of the Executive Council of the Federation of Asian Science Academies and Societies, (FASAS), 1983; Fellow of TWAS, Trieste, Italy, 1986. Member, Board of Trustees, IRRI, 1967 - 1970; UNESCO International Advisory Committee on Humid Tropics Research 1957 - 1960; Member, Scientific Commission FAO of Govt. of Pakistan, 1959 - 1960; Member, Council and Governing Bodies of PAEC, PCSIR, Food and Agricultural Council of Pakistan; National Science Council of Pakistan; and Pakistan Central Jute Committee.
Dr. Ghani visited many countries of the world and participated in conferences, seminars, symposia and special meetings as leader of delegation and presented country papers and formulated scientific programmes. He visited USA, USSR, China, FRG, Japan, Italy, Brazil, U.K., Australia, the Philippines, India, Fiji, Thailand, Malaysia, Sweden etc.
Dr. M. O. Ghani breathed his last on 21 July 1989.