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Fellow CV
List of Publications


Prof. Z.N. Tahmida Begum

(Fellow, 1998)

Bangladesh (BD)
Bangladesh (BD)

Professor Z.N. Tahmida Begum was born on 26 November, 1945 in Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

She received Ph.D from University of London, London (1977), M. Sc. in Botany (1967), B. Sc. (Hons.) in Botany from University of Dhaka (1966), Intermediate in 1963 and Matriculation in 1961. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Nottingham, UK.

Professor Tahmida had been teaching at the graduate and post-graduate levels for more than 47 years. Subjects taught include Phycology, Limnology and Hydrobiology. She conducted research on Environmental Science specially, Pollution in industrial effluents; Biofertilizer production; Aquaculture practices; Exploration of utilization of fresh water algae as biofertilizer, food, feed and medicine. She conducted seven projects: "Coordinated Project for development of Blue-Green Algae (BGA) technology as biofertilizer for rice cultivation (DU component)", financed by BARC; "Toxin analysis and animal experimentation of protein rich algae" financed by Biotechnology Research Centre, Dhaka University; "Biochemical studies of some algae" financed by Centre for Advanced Studies and Research in Biological Sciences, Dhaka University; "Application of Biotechnology for the production of energy plantation with respect to blue-green algae" financed by Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh; Research Scheme financed by University Grants Commission, Bangladesh; As an expert on fresh water biology she acted as a co-consultant in the Rural Fish Culture Development Project of NRDP/DANIDA during the 1980s. Co-consultant, D.U. -DANIDA Fish pond study project; Research associate, B.A.U.-D.U. Research project financed by Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation.

Dr. Tahmida Begum was awarded scholarship from Ministry of Women and Children affairs, GoB; NORAD; UNESCO; ANBS; Commonwealth Science Council; The British Council; The Dhaka University; USAID; by the Govt. of Republic of Pakistan and Financial aid from COSTED. She discovered a new structure (Tubular elements) in a Bangladeshi Blue-green algal cells. It is a new addition to science and was published in J. Cell Science, U.K.; developed a Blue-green mutant of a Blue-green alga through gamma radiation; first initiated research on the Role of Biological Nitrogen through blue green in Bangladesh. She first reported 245 species of phytoplankton (primary producers) from the then East Pakistan. This report was the first for this country and was the guideline for further research in Phycology, Limnology, Hydrobiology and Wetland vegetation. 

She published 90 research papers. She is one of the authors of two books: Role of Cyanobacteria on rice field soil fertility of Bangladesh: qualitative and quantitative assessment of cyanobacteria in low lying rice field (2012) and Ecology of some selected wetland macrophytes of Bangladesh: focuses on four wetland macrophytes, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011.

She was Associate Editor of a book- Biological Nitrogen Fixation Associated with Rice Production, Kluwer Academic publishers, U.K., 1996; one of the Peer reviewers of a book, Global Biodiversity Assessment published by United Nations Environment Programme, (UNDP) Cambridge University U.K. 1995 and Chief Editor of a book- Bangla translation of AGENDA 21, - a document of UNCED (Earth Summit), 1992, Progressive Printers (financed by NORAD), Bangladesh. Chief Editor, Bangladesh Journal of Botany; Editor, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh; One of the editors, Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, October, 2004-June, 2009, where 56 volumes (28 in English version and 28 in Bangla version); Member, Editorial Sub-Committee of Journal of ASB, Sci. 1992-1993, 2008-2009; Member, DU J. of Bio. Sci.; Chairperson, Editorial Board, ASB; Chief Editor and Executive Editor, Bangladesh J. Botany; Member, Editorial Committee, J. Taxonomist.

She was Chairman, Bangladesh Public Service Commission, GoB; Syndicate and Senate members, DU; Pro Vice-chancellor, DU; Chairman, Department of Botany, DU; House Tutor and Provost, Ruqayyah Hall, DU; Syndicate member of BAU, Mymensingh; Executive member of Bangladesh National women’s “Sangstha”, an organization of GoB; Member, Trustee Board, Bangladesh National Museum, GoB; Students adviser, Department of Botany; Member, National Planning and Implementation Task Force Committee on "Platform for Action" in connection with women development, Ministry of Women and Children affairs, GoB; Member, Evaluation committee for Biological Science, UGC; Founder member, Rajdhani Mahila School and College, Mirpur, Dhaka and Rokeya-Ahsan College, Demra, Dhaka.

Professor Tahmida has contributed research papers in different national and international seminar/workshop/conference, IAP Conference and General Assembly on “Science and the Sustainable Development Goals: the Role of Academies”, Korea, 2019; 16th Conference on Science Council of Asia, 2016, Srilanka; International Conference on Entrepreneurship for young women & using of new Technologies : Issues & Challenges, Pakistan, 2013; International Conference on Challenges of Young Women Scientists in new and emerging sciences: Bangladesh, 2012; TWOWS Fourth General Assembly and International Conference of  Women Scientists in a Changing World, Beijing, China, 2010; International Conference on General Participation in the Development of Science: Bangladesh, 2009; The Fourth World Conference on Women: Beijing, China, 1995; United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED): Rio De Janerio, Brazil, 1992; International Botanical Conf.: Dept. of Botany, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1991; Seminar on role of women in utilizing technology innovations: N. T. T. T. College, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1990; Third International Phycological Congress: Moansh University, Melbourne, Australia, 1988. She has participated in different courses, International Training Course on Techniques in Bio-productivity and Photosynthesis: NBRI, Lucknow, India; International Workshop on Phycology: University of Madras, India; International Seminar on Biotechnology and genetic engineering: Bangladesh; ESCAP/SACEP symposium on Environmental Management of Mangrove, Coral and Island Ecosystems in South Asia: Dhaka, Bangladesh; Third Seminar on the Maximum livestock production on Minimum land: BARI, Joydebpur, Bangladesh; International Training Course on Biogas Technology and Biofertilizer Production: BAU, Mymensingh. Bangladesh; International Training Course on Microbiology of nitrogen cycling: BARI-BAU, Gazipur, Mymensingh; Phycological Society Seminar: Royal Holloway College, University of London, U.K; ABSCS / NSP inservice and Preservice Conference: University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A; AIBS Conference: Indiana University, U. S. A. August 1970.

She is the life member Bangladesh Botanical Society; Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, BAAS; Bangladesh Soc. of Microbiol.; Bangladesh National Rose Soc; NOAMI, Women Science Association, Women into Science and Technology Asia Region (WISTAR); Bangladesh Society of Biotechnology; Societies International Limnologiae (USA); Phycological Society (India); Third World Organization for Women in Science (Italy), Fellow, BAS.

She travelled widely in Australia, China, Brazil, Denmark, England, France, India, Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand and USA.

Bangladesh (BD)
Last updated on 14/02/2025