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Fellow CV
List of Publications
(Fellow, 1999)
Professor A.K.M. Azharul Islam was born in Khordabalali, Bogra on 2 November 1946. His father is M. U. Ahmed and mother Ayesha Khatun.
He did Matriculation in 1961 (First Division, Shariakandi High School, Bogra), HSC in 1963 (First Division in merit list); Rajshahi Govt. College); B.Sc. in Physics in 1966 (First in first Class, R.U.); M.Sc. 1967 (First in first Class, R.U.), DIC (Imperial College of Science & Technology, London), Ph.D. 1972 from London University.
He was Lecturer in Physics, Rajshahi University (January, 1968), Professor since 1984. Chairman, Department of Physics (1989- 1992). Dean, Faculty of Science (1986-1988).
His specialization: Elementary particle physics (1967-1978), (ii) Condensed matter physics (current interest), Superconductivity, defects of solids, electronic structure of materials, MAX phases.
Dr. Islam received merit scholarship for doctoral work at Imperial College of Science & Technology in 1967; President's (of former Pakistan) Gold Medal, Monetary Award (US$1000) and country tour with book Prizes for Academic achievements in the postgraduate level (1968), Governor’s Prize (1964), University and Habib Bank Gold Medals (1966, 1967), University Grants Commission Award (1997) for original research in Science & Agriculture, International ISESCO Science Award 2001 - in Recognition of Meritorious Achievements in the Field of Physics, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Gold Medal 2006 for meritorious performance in the field of science and education; United Group Outstanding Research Awards in two consecutive years in 2016 and 2017 (awarded in 2019).
Dr. Islam has 272 scientific publications mostly in international journals. He already guided 111 research students for their M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D works – currently guiding 4 research students including 1 Ph.D & 1 M.Phil students (as co-supervisor).
He was the Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Scientific Research [ISSN 2070-0237 (Print); ISSN 2070-0245 (Online)] for about 7 years, Former member of Editorial Boards, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Rajshahi University Studies; currently reviewer of twelve International Journals, and four national journals. Edited Proceedings of International workshop (catalogued by US Library of Congress, http://lccn.loc.gov/99938837, ICTP & other libraries of the world); 18 books have been published (some of these in their 2nd & 3rd editions) including Superconducting Noble Metal Diboride (Chap-3 in: Superconductivity Research developments; Editor: James R Tobin, pp 63-92 © 2008 Nova Science Publications, Inc, New York).
His books include a book on contemporary socio-political events entitled “Bedevilled World” published by Global Media Publications (2008 New Delhi). The same book has also been published in two other languages (Bangla Ôbw›`Z wek¦ bw›`Z MšÍe¨Õ from Chittagong & Arabic Ôعالم الغاية والهدف المنشوÕ from Beirut); Written nearly 150 popular science & general articles most of which are for magazines, national newspapers & for foreign conf. lectures; Participated in Radio & TV programs on science, religion etc. His recent books include “Amra Kon Pothe” (2019, pp 363) and “Rokomari Rocona Somogro” (2020, pp 541).
Dr. Islam was member of Senate, Syndicate, Academic Councils of Rajshahi and other Universities, Board of Governors, RCMP, Chittagong University; Vice-Chancellor, International Islamic University Chittagong (2002-2006, 2006-2008, 2012–2017 July).
He visited 27 countries and attended 37 International conferences. Post-doctoral fellow at Imperial College (London), J. J. Thomson Laboratory (Reading University, UK, on Royal Society Fellowship); Visiting scientist at: (i) IRC, University of Cambridge (U.K), (ii) Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Research, Bangalore (India), (iii) University of Yamanashi, Japan, (iv) ASICTP (Italy) six times; Organized two international workshops (participation from 15 countries) as Director (1996) of one of these and as Chairman (1998) of the other.
Dr. Islam is the Fellow of The Institute of Physics (London); Bangladesh Academy of Sciences; Former Member, The New York Academy of Sciences; The American Physical Society; AAAS (USA); The Asian Physical Society. Fellow, The Bangladesh Physical Society (Vice-President for 1986 - 1988); Member, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science; Life Member: Bangla Academy and a few other Societies; Regular Associate and then Senior Associate, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.