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Fellow CV
List of Publications
(Fellow, 2008)
Dr Firdausi Qadri was born on 31 March 1951.
She did PhD in Biochemistry/Immunology.
She is Senior Scientist & Head, Mucosal Immunology & Vaccinology Unit Infectious Disease Division, icddr,b Lead: Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi)
She received in 2006 - Gold Medal for outstanding research in Biological Sciences for 2006 by the Bangladesh Academy of Science in 2011- Moselio Schaechter Award for scientific achievement by the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) 2012- Christophe & Rodolphe Mérieux Foundation Prize, French Academy of Sciences 2013- Prof. C.N.R. Rao Prize for contribution to scientific research from TWAS 2013- Anannya Top Ten Awards 2013 - the Anannya Top Ten awards to individual women for significant contributions to the development in specific sector 2018- Kazi Mahbubullah Award 2018 2019- RTV Joya Alokito Nari, 2019 2019- GNOBB Awards – 2019 for Outstanding Bangladeshi Scientists Warking in Bangladesh 2020- L'Oréal - UNESCO International Awards 2020- For Women in Science Laureate for Asia - Pacific. 2020- Bill Gates Heroes in the Field: Dr. Firdausi Qadri
She has 462 Publications (Web of Science).
Dr. Qadri is involved with a number of peer-reviewed journals and playing role as reviewer. Currently, she is serving as reviewer for following journals, Phos NTD, Lancet ID, Microbes and infection, Frontiers, ASM journals etc.
She is the Director, Center for Vaccine Sciences, icddr,b (2011 to 2015) Senior Director of Infectious Disease Division, icddr,b (2015 to 2018) Lead ideSHi
Dr. Qadri is the member of a number of international and national committees. She is serving as advisory members (SAGE, IsDB), scientific expert member (IsDB, GTFCC) in different national and international committees.
She is Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America (FIDSA), USA 2008 Adjunct Professor- BRAC University 2010 Fellow of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) 2010 Members of NREC, Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) 2012 ASM Country Ambassador for Bangladesh 2012 Elected Fellow of The World Academy of Science (TWAS) 2014 Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology 2014- Member of the UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) 2015 Adjunct Professor, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences 2016 - 2021 SAGE Member - advisory panel of the World Health Organization (WHO) 2018 Member of Scientific Advisory board of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) 2020 Member of “Expert Committee for Chemistry & Manufacturing of Vaccines and Bio-Products" DGDA 2021- Executive Committee member of HerStory Foundation 2021- Steering Committee Member - Global Typhoid Genomics Consortium
She visited USA, UK, Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Italy, UAE, KSA, Lebanon, Turkey, Argentina, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Bhutan.