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Department of Soil Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh.

Fellow CV
List of Publications


Prof. Dr. M. Jahiruddin

(Fellow, 2014)

Bangladesh (BD)
Bangladesh (BD)

Professor Dr. M. Jahiruddin was born on 01 January 1955.

He obtained B.Sc.Ag. Hons. (1975), M.Sc.Ag. (Soil Science) (1976), Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU); PhD (1986) Soil Science, Post-doc (1996-97) Soil Science, Aberdeen University, UK; Post-doc (1999, 3 months) Plant Nutrition, National Grassland Research Institute, Japan; Post-doc (2009, 2 months) Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo, Japan; Post-doc (2014, 1.5 months), Heavy metals, Kyushu University, Japan.

He is Professor (August 1993 till to-date); Associate Professor (October 1987- July 1993); Assistant Professor (July 1983 - September 1987); Lecturer (July 1979 - June 1983) in BAU, Mymensingh. Teaching, Fellow (January 1979 – June 1979) in BAU, Mymensingh. NST Research Fellow (September 1977 – December 1978) in BAU, Mymensingh.

Prof. Jahiruddin has been teaching soil chemistry, soil fertility, organic matter management, plant nutrition, soil pollution, research methodology, micronutrients, heavy metals contamination, land degradation, water pollution in Under-graduate and post-graduate levels.

He supervised 70 Masters and 12 PhD students at BAU. Currently supervising 5 Master’s and 3 PhD students at BAU. Supervised as a co-supervisor 2 PhD students in foreign universities (Ghent University, Belgium and Murdoch University, Australia).

Prof. Jahir was awarded with BAAG Award 2018; BAS Gold Medal Award 2009; Global Research Impact Award 2017;  Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship (UK), 1983-86.

He completed 9 Projects (funded by IFS, WB, DFID, US-AID, USDA, DANIDA, FAO, HEQEP & ACIAR) 1 Project on-going (funded by KGF & ACIAR).

Prof. Dr. Jahiruddin published 197 national and international journal; 74 Proceedings national & international; Over 12 articles and reports (research & consultancy).

He has edited Fertilizer Recommendation Guide - 2018. S. Ahmed, M. Jahiruddin and 9 others (eds.); Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Farmgate, Dhaka, 274p. Fertilizer Recommendation Guide - 2012. A. A. Hassan, M. Jahiruddin and 9 others (eds.)., Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Farmgate, Dhaka, 274p. Fertilizer Recommendation Guide - 2005. M. U. Ahmed, M. Jahiruddin and 9 others (eds.)., Bangladesh Agricultural research Council (BARC), Farmgate, Dhaka, 274p. M. Salehin, S.M. Chowdhury, D. Clarke, S. Mondal, S. Nowreen, M. Jahiruddin and A. Haque. 2018. Mechanisms and Drivers of Soil Salinity in Coastal Bangladesh. In Book: Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas, R. J. Nicholls et al. (eds.), pp. 333-347.  D. Clarke, A.N. Lázár, A. Fazal, M. Saleh and M. Jahiruddin. 2018. Prospects for Agriculture Under Climate Change and Soil Salinisation. In Book: Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas, R. J. Nicholls et al. (eds.), pp. 447-467.  M. E. Haque, R. W. Bell, M. Jahiruddin and 13 others. 2018. Manual for Smallholders'     Conservation Agriculture in Rice based Systems. p.108. M. Jahiruddin. 2015. Zinc and Boron Deficiency in Crops and Their Management in Bangladesh, 28p. M. Jahiruddin, M.U. Ahmed, M. A. Hossain, M. R. Islam and M. F. Islam. 2007. Occurrence and correction of boron deficiency in wheat and mustard in Bangladesh, In book: F. Xu et al. (eds.), Advances in Plant and Animal Boron Nutrition, pp. 143-148.  M. Jahiruddin and M. A. Satter. 2010. Research Priority in Agriculture and Development of Vision Document – 2030 and Beyond: Land and Soil Resource Management. BARC, Dhaka. 48p.

He was Associate Director (August 2002 – June 2005), Central Laboratory, BAU, Mymensingh. Head (November 1994 – September 1996), Dept. of Soil Science, BAU, Mymensingh. Head (July 2005 to July 2007), Department of Languages, BAU, Mymensingh. Dean (July 2018 - till date), Faculty of Agriculture, BAU, Mymensingh,

He is BAS Fellow, 2017; Commonwealth Fellowship (UK),  1996-97.

Bangladesh (BD)
Last updated on 14/02/2025