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On-Spot Project Review (BAS-USDA 6th Phase)- Jun'24
ISRF Call for 2024-25
Applications are invited from researchers who are actively involved in research activities and holding permanent positions in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand to visit India under the India Science and Research Fellowship (ISRF) Programme to pursue research in frontier/ advanced areas of science including Medicine and Agriculture for a period of 3 – 6 months. The programme is funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi.
The detailed Brochure (given below) may be strictly followed for applying for the ISRF Fellowship in the prescribed format (attached) which can be downloaded from the website (https://insaindia.res.in/isrf-call-2024-25/). The completed applications, along with relevant enclosures and duly endorsed by the Head of the Institution may be submitted to the partnering agency with a copy to DST/INSA.
For any query may kindly contact:
Contact: Dr. Md. Samiul Haque, Director, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Email: office@bas.org.bd
Last date of proposal submission is 13 June 2024