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Project Lists

Phase Name and Address of Principal Investigator Project Title Project Code Budget Reports Article
Cap. Op. Total Summary Project Completion
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Haseena Khan

Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka

CR-40, Development of low lignin containing low temperature tolerant jute variety CROP Science download download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Dr. Md. Iqbal Faruk
Sr. Scientific Officer
Plant Pathology Division BARI
Joydebpur, Gazipur
Cell :01732-547563
Tel :02-9256405

CR-13, Development of Trichoderma based biopesticides against soil borne diseases of vegetables crops CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Moshiur Rahman
Dept. of Agronomy
BAU, Mymensingh
Cell : 01711072561
Tel : 09167401-6/2417
Email : rahmanag63@yahoo.com

CR-21, Development of dry bed direct seeded boro-rice production system towards saving irrigation water and attaining food security CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Parimal Kanti Biswas
Dept. of Agronomy, SAU
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1215
Cell :01552358082
Tel :
Email :

CR-26, Assessment and dissemination of system of Rice intensification (SRI) technologies in Bangladesh CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Md. Abdul Halim Khan
Dept. of Crop Botany
BAU, Mymensingh
Cell : 01828120120
Tel :
Email :

CR-36, Popularization of quality protein maize (QPM) cultivation with conservation tillage and indigenous mulches for food security of char communities CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Dr. Md.Abul Kalm Azad
PSO, Plant Breeding Division
BINA, Mymensingh
Cell : 01710763003
Tel :

CR-41, Development of high yielding summer onion variety with good seed set ability under winter climatic conditions of Bangladesh through induced mutation CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Mr. Tariq Hassan
Chairman, Krishi Foundation
801, Rokeya Sarani
Cell : 01911692373
Tel : 028050828
Email: tariq.hassan15@yahoo.com

CR-43, Modeling of year round fruit production at Haor Homestead CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. S.M.Lutful Kabir
Director, IICT
BUET, Dhaka-1000
Cell : 01819276951
Tel : 9665602
Email : lutfulkabir@iict.buer.ac.bd

CR-53, Developing low cost Solar powered irrigation system CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Mahbuba Jahan
Dept. of Entomology
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell : 01716370732

CR-03, Development of Compatibility of Bio Control Agent and Pesticides in Controlling Major Pests of Rice CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Dr. Md. Ekramul Hoque
Assistant Professor
Department of Biotechnology
SAU, Dhaka
Cell : 01712836595
Email: ekramul.sau@gmail.com

CR-05, Molecular Diversity Analysis, Virus Elimination and Genetic Transformation in Potato for Food Security under Bangladesh Conditions CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Md. Shahidul Haque
Professor & Head
Department of Biotechnology
BAU, Mymensingh
Cell :01716066503
Tel :01966016-18/2560

CR-10, Development of Anthracnose Resistance in Chili Germplasm and Development of Resistant Lines CROP Science download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Dr. Sohela Akhter
Senior Scientific Officer
Soil Science Division
BARI, Gazipur
Cell : 01922242737

CR-45, Impact of Vermicompost on Crop Production and Soil Health CROP Science
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Omar Faruque
Dept. of Animal Breeding &
Genetics, BAU
Cell : 01714075435
Tel : 091-67401- 6/2616
Email: faruque_mdomar@yahoo.com

LS-02, In situ conservation and improvement of endangered livestock species (Assel bird and Goyal) in Bangladesh Livestock download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Abdul Matin Prodhan
Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, CVASU
Khulshi, Chittagong
Cell : 01199165310

LS-05, Prevalence Studies of Abortion in Dairy Industry Caused by Brucella and Leptospira and ubsequent Development of Vaccines against the Diseases Livestock download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Md. Motahar Hussain Mondal
Department of Parasitology
Faculty of Veterinary Science
BAU, Mymensingh
Cell :01716044362
Tel :
Email :

LS-07, Epidemiology of Snail-borne Trematode Diseases of Farm Animals and Molecular Analysis of Trematode and Its Vector Snails Livestock download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Farida Yeasmin Bari
Department of Surgery and
Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary
Science, BAU, Mymensingh
Cell: 01720450244
Tel : 091-67401-6/2376
Email: fydari61@yahoo.com.au

LS-11, Speed up of Genetic Improvement of Indigenous Sheep through Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET) technique Livestock download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Fazlul Awal Mollah
Dept. of Fisheries Biology and Genetics
BAU, Mymensingh
Cell : 01716575152
Tel :

FI-05, Study of reproductive Biology and Genetic viability of Glossogobibius guiris (Hamilton 1822) with a view to Establishing its induced Breeding technique Livestock download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Khandaker Anisul Huq
Fisheries and Marine Resource
Technology Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna
Cell :01914325047
Tel :
Email :

FI-03, Evaluation of Probiotic Effects on Production Performance in Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Culture System Livestock download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Mahmood Hossain
Forestry & Wood Technology
Khulna University, Khulna
Cell : 01711959380

FO-01, Selection of tree species for sustainable cropland agroforestry practices in Bangladesh based on nutrient return efficiencies and enhanced microbial biofertilizers Fisheries download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Prof. Dr. Zeba I. Seraj
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Mobile : 01711595576
Tel : 02-4614708
E-mail : zedai@univdhaka.edu; ziseraj@gmail.com

LI-03 (A), Production of farmer population Rice tolerant to Environmental stresses like Salinity and drought Life Sciences download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Dr. Aparna Islam
Associate Professor
Biotechnology Program
MNS Department
BRAC University
66 Mohakhali, Dhaka
Cell : 01817114304

LI-03 (B), Production of farmer population tomato tolerant to Environmental stresses like Salinity and drought Life Sciences download
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Dr. K M Iftekharuddaula
Senior Scientific Officer
Plant Breeding Division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
Cell :01732761747

LI-12, Development of Rice Varieties with Submergence Tolerance through Marker Assisted Breeding Life Sciences download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Kader
Dept. of Agronomy
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell : 01724828058
Email : abdul.kader@bau.edu.bd
(Co-PI: Dr. Imtiaz, 01756926680,imtiaz_bina@yahoo.com)

CR-07:Cell and tissue specific regulation of sodium homeostasis conferring salinity tolerance in rice CROP Science download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Gopal Das
Dept. of Entomology
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell : 01749285388
Email : gopal_entom@yahoo.com

CR-11: Sustainable management of major lepidopteran vegetable pests through ecosmart new biorational molecules CROP Science
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Liaquat Ali
Dept. of Biochemestry & Cell
Biology & Vice- Chancellor
Bangladesh University of Health
Sciences 125/1, Darus Salam,
Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216
Cell : 01819229382
Email : vc@buhs.edu.bd

HN-2: Evaluation of commonly consumed rice varieties and mixed meals for their glycemic, insulinemic and nefa responses in healthy and diabetic subjects Health & Nutrition
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Md. Mahbub Alam
Dept. of Medicine
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell : 01733792435
Email : asamahbub2003@yahoo.com

LS-1: Indiscriminate Use of Antimicrobial Drugs in Poultry Farms and Analysis of Antibiotic Residues in Poultry Products in Bangladesh Livestock download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Chowdhury Rafiqul Ahsan
Dept. of Microbiology
Dhaka University, Dhaka-1000
Cell : 01819401185
Email : crahsan@du.ac.bd

LSc-2: Molecular epidemiology and genotyping of Bacillus anthracis in domestic animals of Bangladesh Life Sciences download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Md. Ekramul Huque
Dept. of Biotechnology
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka
E-mail: ekramul.sau@gmail.com

CR-04: Morpho-Molecular characterization of Eggplant and resistance gene hunting from its wild relatives CROP Science download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. M A Khaleque Mian,
Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman Agricultural University
Salna, Gazipur
Cell : 01726128672
Email : makmian@bsmrau.edu.bd

CR-05: Transfer of gene(s) responsible for zinc and iron from traditional variety to mega variety of rice CROP Science
1st Phase (October 2010 – December 2013)

Dr. Atika Ayub
CSO, Plant Pathology Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Cell : 01716549366
Email: atikaayubbari@gmail.com

CR-06: Integrated Management of banana diseases CROP Science download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Jahedur Rahman
Dept. of Horticulture
Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural
University, Dhaka
Cell : 01716590216
Email : jrahman04@yahoo.com

CR-08: Development of low cost and simple hydroponic cultivation techniques of sweet pepper in urban and peri-urban areas of Bangladesh CROP Science download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdullahil Baque
Dept. of Agronomy
Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural
University, Dhaka
Cell : 01747837095
Email : bellah_77@yahoo.com

CR-09: Introduction of salt and drought tolerance in wheat through Osmo and Hormonal priming CROP Science download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Rakha Hari Sarker
Dept. of Botany
Dhaka University, Dhaka
Cell : 01711547429
Email :rhsarker2000@yahoo.co.uk

CR-12: Development of Mungbean Lines Conferring Yellow Mosaic Virus Resistance CROP Science download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. M. Jahiruddin
Dept. of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell : 01718813889
Email : m_jahiruddin@yahoo.com
Co-PI: 01711985414

CR-10: Improvement of Yield and Biofortification of Zinc and Iron in cereals by Fertilizer Application and Variety Selection CROP Science download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Md. Ariful Islam
Dept. of Microbiology & Hygiene
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell : 01711390939
Email :arifmicro2003@yahoo.com

LS-02: Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of Brucella spp. in cattle and goats in Bangladesh Livestock download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Emdadul Haque Chowdhury
Dept. of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell : 01712017381
Email : emdad001@yahoo.com

LS-04: Experimental pathogenesis of peste des petits ruminants in Black Bengal Goat using Bangladeshi isolates of PPR virus Livestock download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Sarder
Dept. of Fisheries Biology
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell : 01712015908
Email : rafiqulsarder@yahoo.com

FI-01: Production enhancement of silver barb by generating monosex all-female population through genetic engineering, the chromosome manipulation techniques Fisheries download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Salma Begum
Environmental Science Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna
Cell : 01741577354
Email : salmaz2003@yahoo.com, samee2005@gmail.com

FO-01: Benthic community productivity in the southwestern and the Sundarbans mangrove ecosystems for understanding the community energy flow for the sustainable coastal management, Bangladesh Forestry
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Md. Nazmul Ahsan
Fisheries and Marine Resource
Technology Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna
Cell : 01712248038
Email :nazmul_ku@yahooo.com

FI-02: Multiplex PCRbased rapid screening of white spot virus and pathogenic bacteria in shrimp for increased farm productivity and export performance Fisheries
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Yearul Kabir
Dept. of Biochemestry & Molecular Biology
Dhaka University, Dhaka-1000
Cell : 01710327716
Email : ykabir@yahoo.com

HN-01: Identification of rice genotypes having low heavy metal uptake ability Health & Nutrition
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Zeba I Seraj
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Dhaka University, Dhaka
Mobile : 01711595576
Tel : 02-4614708
E-mail :zedai@univdhaka.edu; ziseraj@gmail.com

LSc-01: Development of high yielding abiotic stress tolerant rice by introducing Ideal Plant Architecture into salt tolerant landrace and functional validation of introduced transgenes Life Sciences download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam
Principal Scientific Officer, Post-harvest Technology Section
Horticulture Research Centre
Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute, Gazipur
Cell : 01712528506
Tel : 9261501-5/5506
Email : eshaadeesha@yahoo.com

CR-01: Maturity Determination and Quality Maintenance of Mango, Tomato and Bitter gourd CROP Science
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Md. Moshiur Rahman
Dept. of Agronomy
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell : 01711072561
Tel :091-67401-6/2417
Email : rahmanag63@yahoo.com

CR-03: Development of Integrated Weed Management System for Dry direct seeded boro rice based cropping pattern CROP Science
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad
Director (Administration and Support Service)
Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture
Cell : 01710763003
Tel : 09167601-2/118
Email : makazad.pbdbina@gmail.com

CR-04: On-farm and on-station validation of some high yielding summer onion mutants with good seed set ability and longer storability for release as varieties CROP Science download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr.Farida Yeasmin Bari
Dept. of Surgery and Obstetrics
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell; 01745996622/01720450244
Tel ; 091-67401-6/2376
E-mail- fybari61@yahoo.com.au

LS-02: Optimization of Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET) Technique to speed up of genetic improvement of indigenous sheep in Bangladesh Livestock download
2nd Phase (January 2015 – December 2019)

Prof. Dr. Khandaker Anisul Huq
Dept. of Fisheries & Marine Technology,
Khulna University Khulna,
Cell : 01914325047
Tel : 041-732157
E-mail : huqka@yahoo.com

FI-01: Adoptation of biofloc technology for enhancing prawn production Fisheries
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Dr. Abu Shamim Mohammad Nahiyan
Senior Scientist Advanced Seed Research and Biotech Centre, ACI Agribusinesses, ACI Ltd. ASRBC, House # 18/B, Road # 126, Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka-1212
Cell: 01730028531
Email: nahiyan@aci-bd.com

CR-01: Cucumber mosaic virus resistant eco-friendly cucumber variety\line development CROP Science 26.51 download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Shafiqul Bari
Dept. of Agroforestry & Environment
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Basherhat, Dinajpur
Cell: 01713163399
Email: barimdshafiqul@gmail.com

CR-02: Identification, documentation, and improving of existing agroforestry systems in the selected agro-ecological region of bangladesh CROP Science 25.27 download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Dr. Md. Abdul Latif
Principal Scientific Officer
Plant Pathology Division
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
Cell: 01715034094
E-mail: alatif1965@yahoo.com

CR-03 Identification of races and development of durable resistant variety for bacterial blight (BB) through marker assisted selection CROP Science 28.35 download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Belal Hossain
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Sher-e- Bangla Agricultural University
Cell: 01716700700 (Home) / 01711 988444
E-mail: dr.mbhossain@sau.edu.bd

CR-04 Molecular characterization, cloning and sequencing of coat-protein gene of a bangladeshi potato leaf roll virus (plrv) isolate and its phylogenetic analysis CROP Science download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. A.K.M Zakir Hossain
Dept. of Crop Botany
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01713113559
E-mail: zakir@bau.edu.bd

CR-05 Utilization of biological nitrogen fixation inhibition (BNI) function for increasing nitrogen use efficiency in cereal production systems CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Mizanur Rahman
Dept. of Entomology
Sher-e Bangla Agricultural University
Cell: 01913-521028
E-mail: mrahmansau1968@gmail.com

CR-06 Survey and detection of fruit fly of guava species/race(s) in bangladesh and its integrated pest management CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Khandakar Shariful Islam
Dept. of Entomology
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01716370731
E-mail: ksharif_bau@yahoo.com

CR-08 Eco-friendly management of sugarcane stem borer with special emphasis on the use of the parasitoid trichogramma chilonis CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Mahmud Hossain Sumon
Dept. of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01718386161
E-mail: mahmud.ss@bau.edu.bd

CR-09 Evaluation of selenium nutrition and its potential fortification strategies in bangladesh CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Salahuddin Mahmood Chowdhury
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Sher-e Bangla Agricultural University
Cell: 01713382588
E-mail: smc_1968@yahoo.com

CR-10 Molecular detection of Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) race(s)/ Phyllotype causing brown rot of potato CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. M Tofazzal Islam
Dept. of Biotechnology
BSMRAU, Gazipur
Cell: 01714001414
E-mail: tofazzalislam@yahoo.com

CR-11 Reduction of fertilizer use in rice by probiotic bacteria and elucidation of molecular mechanism of rice-bacterial interactions Duration: 2 years CROP Science download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Sirajul Hoque
Dept. of Soil,Water & Environment
University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Cell: 01816013622
Co-PI: 01911291408
E-mail: sirajswed@du.ac.bd

CR-12 Management of acid soils for sustainable crop production in bangladesh CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Mokbul Hossain
Dept. of Pathology
Faculty of Veterinary Science, BAU,
Cell: 01715154694
E-mail: mmhossain04@yahoo.com.au

LS-13 Prevention and control of poultry Salmonella infections in selected poultry farm Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Dr. Jahangir Alam
Chief Scientific Officer
National Institute of Biotechnology, Ashulia,
Ganakbari, Savar, Dhaka
Cell: 01712819098
E-mail: alamjahan2003@yahoo.com

LS-14 Diversity of Myxovirus resistant (Mx) gene and its relation with avian influenza infection in poultry Livestock download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Dr. Md. Abdul Alim
Senior Scientific Officer
National Institute of Biotechnology
Ganakbari, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka
Cell: 01718110582
E-mail: alimmdcau@gmail.com

LS-15 Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) as molecular marker to improve the milk production traits in Bangladeshi Dairy Cattle Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Moniruzzaman
Dept. of Animal Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell: 01726491107
E-mail: monir.as@bau.edu.bd

LS-16 Adoption of embryo transfer technology for indigenous buffalo in Bangladesh Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Omar Faruque
Dept. of Animal Breeding & Genetics
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell: 01714075435
E-mail: faruque_mdomar@yahoo.com

LS-17 Climate resilient variety development of chicken in Bangladesh Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Taohidul Islam
Dept. of Medicine
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell: 01912910338
E-mail: taohid@bau.edu.bd

LS-18 Exploring antimicrobial resistance genes in bacterial isolates from red meat of cattle Livestock download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Shamsul Alam Bhuiyan
Dept. of Animal Breeding & Genetics
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell: 01745748849
E-mail: bhuiyansa@yahoo.com

LS-19 Molecular Detection and Utilization of Candidate Genes Polymorphisms Associated with Increased Prolificacy in Indigenous Sheep of Bangladesh (Duration: 2 years) Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Abu Hadi Noor Ali Khan
Dept. of Pathology
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01727 203934
E-mail: hadi.khan@bau.edu.bd

LS-20 A study to designing protocols for the detection and management of multi drug and extensively drug resistance Tuberculosis (TB) in human, dairy & slaughtered cattle and zoo animals of Bangladesh Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Paritosh Kumar Biswas
Dept. of Microbiology and Veterinary Public
Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences
Khulshi, Chittagong
Cell: 01718318926
E-mail: biswaspk2000@yahoo.com

LS-21 Detection and molecular characterization of highly pathogenic h5n1 and low pathogenic h9n2 avian influenza viruses and their relative impacts on commercial poultry farms Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Nurul Islam
Dept. of Dairy Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell: 01712621079
E-mail: mnislamds@yahoo.com

LS-22 Improvement of milk yield and quality of buffaloes through scientific feeding and management under village conditions Livestock download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al-Mamun
Dept.of Animal Nutrition
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell: 01715051093
E-mail: mamamun@bau.edu.bd

LS-23 Impact of herbal bioactive components on antioxidant function, rumen fermentation, and nutrient digestibility in cattle: A step toward nutritional security Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Abdul Baset
Dept. of Livestock, Production & Management
Sylhet Agricultural University
Cell: 01716037070
E-mail: mabaset1968@gmail.com

LS-24 Livelihood improvement through promotion of dairy and milk market access to poor farmers in haor areas of Bangladesh Livestock download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman
Dept. of Biotechnology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Agricultural University, Salna, Gazipur
Cell: 01819489346
E-mail: mahbub_biotech@yahoo.com

FI-25 Identification of virulence genes involved in streptococcosis in tilapia and development of prevention measure against the disease Fisheries download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Ali Reza Faruk
Dept. of Aquaculture
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01711456119
E-mail: hasin96@yahoo.com

FI-26 Study of health management strategy for commercial culturing of high value fish Fisheries
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Md. Sazzad Hossain
Dept. of Aquaculture
Faculty of Fisheries
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell: 01712776746
E-mail: sazzadbau@gmail.com

FI-27 Quality assessment of available shrimp feed for improving safe feed in Khulna region (Duration: 2 years) Fisheries
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. M.A Salam
Dept. of Aquaculture
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01711024408
E-mail: masalambau@gmail.com

FI-28 Aquaponics: food safety and human health through good aquaculture Fisheries download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Iqbal Kabir Jahid
Dept. of Microbiology
Jessore University of Science & Technology,
Cell: 01709818178
E-mail: babu.just.mb@gmail.com

LSc-33 Isolation and evaluation of biofilm forming Probiotics strains for fisheries and poultry products - a sustainable technology for food safety issues in Bangladesh Life Sciences download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Md. Anwar Hossain
Dept. of Microbiology
University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Cell: 01715363753
E-mail: hossaina@du.ac.bd
Co-PI: Dr. Munawar Sultana
Cell: 01553636825
Email: munawar@du.ac.bd

LSc-34 Bacteria poultry diseases in Bangladesh: Implementation of Cost Effective Pathogen Detection Method and a Strategic Management Program Life Sciences download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Shahidul Haque
Dept. of Biotechnology
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01716066503
Email: haquems@bau.edu.bd

CR-35 Collection, molecular characterization and evaluation of Country bean (Lablab purpureusL. Sweet ) germplasm for pod borer resistance CROP Science download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Dr. Mohammad Mehfuz Hasan Saikat
Dept.of Genetics & Plant Breeding
BSMRAU, Gazipur
Cell: 01552495428
Email: saikathu@yahoo.com

CR-36 Development of zinc-rich salt tolerant doubled haploid rice varieties utilizing coastal germplasm CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Dr. Mohammad Asadul Hoque
Dept. of Soil Science
Patuakhali Science & Technology University
Dumki, Patuakhali
Cell: 01715066089
Email: masadulh@yahoo.com

CR-37 Development of saline soil management technologies for introduction of high value crops in the coastal fallow lands of Bangladesh CROP Science download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Rashidul Islam
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Faculty of Agriculture
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01741112529
Email: rasha740177@yahoo.com

CR-38 Phenotypic and genotypic analyses of late blight pathogen, Phytophthora infestans and its biological control CROP Science download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam
Dept. of Agronomy and Haor Agriculture
Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet
Cell: 01716443391
Email: nkakoli2003@yahoo.co.uk

CR-39 Collection and Characterization of Local Rice Cultivar of Northeast Region of Bangladesh (Sylhet) with Respect to Morphological and Molecular Characteristics CROP Science download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Dr. Mohammad Tofazzal Hossain Howladar
Dept. of Entomology
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Cell: 01742 220007
Email: tofazzalh@bau.edu.bd

CR-40 Molecular characterization of the native Beauveria and Metarhizium strains of Bangladesh and their virulence against sucker insect pests of vegetables CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Nurul Matin
Dept. of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology
Rajshahi University, Rajshahi
Cell: 01752003909
Email: nmatin2@yahoo.com

CR-41 Selection of drought resistance rice from diverse crosses among cultivars and introducing stress resistant high yielding and short duration rice suitable for the Barind tract of Bangladesh CROP Science
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Jasim Uddin
Dept. of Animal Nutrition
Faculty of Veterinary Science,
Agricultural University
Cell: 01911720221
Email: jasimsau@gmail.com

LS-42 Solid State Fermentation: A Biotechnological approach for Bioconservation and Nutritional improvement of Crop residues for Ruminant Livestock
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Md. Sadiqul Islam
Dept. of Fisheries, Biology & Genetics
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01726559543
Email: sadiqul1973@yahoo.com

FI-43 Generation of saline tolerant tilapia: A need based study for the coastal zone of Bangladesh Fisheries download
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Porf. Dr. Nazmul Ahsan
Fisheries & Marine Resource Technology
Khulna University, Khulna
Cell: 01920282607/01714006811
Email: mustafizfmrt@yahoo.com

FI-44 Ontological development and grow-out performance of stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis ) larvae in relation to hypophysation techniques and rearing environment (Duration: 2 years) Fisheries
3rd Phase (April 2017 – August 2020)

Prof. Dr. Abu Reza
Dept. of Genetics Engineering & Biotechnology
Rajshahi University, Rajshahi
Cell: 01717728189
Email: reza.gen@ru.ac.bd

LSc-45 Isolation, characterization and utilization of toxic pesticides degrading soil borne bacteria Life Sciences download
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman
PSO and Head, Agril. Engg. Division
Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute
Ishurdi, Pabna
Cell: 01712 087717
Email: anis.aed.bsri@gmail.com

Developing a cost-effective cultivation system for sugarcane CROP Science 49.91950 download
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Jamilur Rahman
Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Shre-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar
Dhaka, Cell: 01552 323928
Email: jamilsau@gmail.com

Development of Canola Grade Brassica juncea Mustard Variety to Meet the Edible Oil Security and Climate Change Challenges in Bangladesh CROP Science 48.07560
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. M.M.R. Jahangir
Department of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
Cell: 01719 648448
Email: mmrjahangir@bau.edu.bd

Development of a Field Scale Nutrient Balance Calculator for Crops of an Intensively Managed Agricultural System CROP Science 54.23310
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. Nirmal Kumar Dutta
Chief Scientific Officer, Entomology Division
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur
Cell: 01794 714560
Email : nkdutta83@yahoo.com

Development of mass rearing protocol of beneficial predatory mites and their field application to control harmful mites in vegetable crops CROP Science 40.71420
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. Md. Mostafizar Rahman
Associate Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Salna, Gazipur
Cell: 01730 575960
Email: mostafizarage@bsmrau.edu.bd

Development of Automated Micro Irrigation Systems for Fruits and Vegetables Farming CROP Science 31.26500
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Md. Masudur Rahman
Associate Professor, Dept. of Crop Botany and Tea Production Technology
Faculty of Agriculture
Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet (SAU)
Cell: 01714 064577
Email: masudur.cbot@sau.ac.bd; m.masudur@gmail.com

Good agricultural practices for maximizing production of black pepper in the varied agroecological regions of Sylhet CROP Science 41.24250 download
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. M. Jahedur Rahman
Department of Horticulture
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka (SAU)
Cell: 01716 590216
Email: jrahman04@yahoo.com

Updating hydroponic culture of tomato and upscaling of hydroponic technology developed during the earlier studies with small scale public private partnership CROP Science 56.14375 download
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman
Dept. of Agronomy and Agricultural Extension
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Rajshahi (RU), Rajshahi
Cell: 01819 529813
Email: mostafizur2001@yahoo.com

Crop diversification in mulberry ecosystem for access to more income generation by poor silkworm rearing people CROP Science 56.85040
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. M. Rafiqul Islam
Dept. of Soil Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh (BAU)
Cell: 01711 985414
Email: mrislam58@bau.edu.bd, mrislam58@yahoo.com

Silicon, an alternative of agrochemicals for mitigating biotic and abiotic stresses, and improving grain quality and yield of rice CROP Science 55.11160
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. M G Mostofa
Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Salna, Gazipur (BSMRAU)
Cell: 01743 420123
Email: mostofa@bsmrau.edu.bd

Genetic manipulation of strigolactone biosynthesis pathway using CRISPR/CAS9 technology for the production of non-transgenic high-yielding rice variety CROP Science 48.47500
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. S. M. Kamrul Hasan
Associate Professor, Department of Food Processing and
Preservation, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HMDSTU)
Basherhat, Dinajpur
Cell: 01712 646107
Email: hasan.kamrul@hstu.ac.bd

Processing for value addition of some underutilized local fruits and vegetables CROP Science 48.76150 download
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam
Department of Horticulture
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU)
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka
Email : nislams2000@gmail.com
Mobile : 01552 498640

Safe and low cost Gur production from Date palm juice in Bangladesh CROP Science 62.39330
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. Shah Mohammad Naimul Islam
Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)
Salna, Gazipur
Cell: 01717 719735
Email: naimul@bsmrau.edu.bd; tofazzalislam@yahoo.com

Preparation of biopesticide formulation of Beauveria bassiana , isolated from Bangladesh, effective against Helicoverpaarmigera larvae CROP Science 52.04480
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Sherazul Islam
Department Fisheries & Marine Bioscience
Jashore University of Science and Technology Jashore (JUST)
Cell: 01913 241344
Email: tuhinkk@yahoo.com

Mud crab (Scylla olivacea ) habitat potential mapping in the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh using Remote Sensing and GIS Fisheries 51.30000
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shamimul Alam
Department of Zoology
University of Dhaka, Dhaka (DU)
Cell: 01839 886472
Email: shamimul@du.ac.bd

Identification and utilization of genetic diversity towards higher production of commercially important fish Labeorohita Fisheries 48.05670
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam
Department of Biotechnology
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Cell: 01738 867466
Email: m.s.islam@bau.edu.bd

Genetic audit of hilsa shad (Tenualosa ilisha) across its distribution range Fisheries 51.37630
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Sazedul Hoque
Department of Fisheries Technology
Faculty of Fisheries
Patuakhali Science and Technology University Dumki (PSTU)
Cell: 01716 244719
email: sazedul.fst@pstu.ac.bd; sazedul_haque@yahoo.com

Quality Dried Fish and Fish Powder for Nutritional and Livelihood Improvement of Pregnant, Lactating Women and Infants in Coastal Area of Bangladesh Fisheries 32.26270
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Sagir Ahmed
Department of Zoology
University of Dhaka, Dhaka (DU)
Cell: 01552 422621
Email: sagir@du.ac.bd

DNA Barcoding of Shrimps, Lobster and Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda ) of Bangladesh: Implication for Conservation and Management Fisheries 40.72800 download
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Amzad Hossain
Department of Aquaculture
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Salna, Gazipur (BSMRAU)
Cell: 01711 150059
Email: amzad@bsmrau.edu.bd

Use of Microalgae as Feed Additives for Enhanced Growth and Immune Response of High Valued Fishes Fisheries 27.17800
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. Mohammad Abdus Sattar
Address: Apartment A-3 (Rose Dale), House#7/A
Road#136, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212
(Krishi Foundation) (KG)
Cell: 01715 001281
Email: mdabdussattar1953@yahoo.com

Studies on the Climate Change and Man-made Impacts on the Spawning grounds and Spawning Performance of Major Carps in Bangladesh Fisheries 44.29710
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Lifat Rahi
Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna (KU)
Cell: 01796 875647
Email: lifatrahi@gmail.com

A Cyto-genomic Approach for Sex Determination in Hilsa (Tenualosailisha) Fisheries 53.51710
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Ariful Islam
Department of Microbiology & Hygiene
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Cell: 01711-390939
Email: islamma@bau.edu.bd; arifmicro2003@yahoo.com

Development of inactivated brucella vaccine from local isolates Livestock 56.58940
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Farida Yeasmin Bari
Department of Surgery and Obstetrics
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Cell: 01745 996622
Email: fybari61@yahoo.com.au

On-farm testing and scaling up Assisted Reproductive Technology (ARTs) in Sheep production through publicprivate partnership Livestock 63.79470
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. Sadek Ahmed
Senior Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Livestock Research
Institute,Savar Dhaka-1341 (BLRI)
Cell: 01712 189212
Email: sadek_11@yahoo.com

Piloting lamb value chains using local sheep sourced from the south delta Livestock 56.62410
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. Md. Rakibul Hassan
Principal Scientific Officer
Poultry Production Research Division
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institue
Savar, Dhaka (BLRI)
Cell: 01712 511183
Email: mdrakibulhassan@gmail.com

Piloting of LED technology (LED TECH) as a replacer of AMRs for poultry Livestock 45.58960
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Bahanur Rahman
Dept. of Microbiology and Hygiene
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh (BAU)
Cell: 01718 218080
Email: bahanurr@bau.edu.bd; bahanurr@gmail.com

Polyvalent Vaccine Development for Mastitis in Dairy Cow Livestock 53.72590 download
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Badiuzzaman
Dept. of Economics and Sociology and Dean
Faculty of Business Administration and Management
Patuakhali Science and Technology University Patuakhali (PSTU)
Cell: 01716 287109
Email: bzaman_pstu@yahoo.com

Entrepreneurship Development and Value Chain Improvement of High Value Crops in the Char areas of Three Regions in Bangladesh Life Sciences 52.36440
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Salequl Islam
Department of Microbiology
Jahangirnagar University (JU)
Savar, Dhaka
Phone: 01715 029136
Email: salequl@gmail.com; salequl@juniv.edu

Entrepreneurship Development and Value Chain Improvement of High Value Crops in the Char areas of Three Regions in Bangladesh Health & Nutrition 55.05040 download
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Dr. Md. Wasikur Rahman
Associate Professor & Chairman
Department of Chemical Engineering
Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Cell: 01732291688
E-mail: mwrahman.ump@gmail.com; w.rahman@just.edu.bd

Biodegradable polymeric matrices for state-of-the-art technology of food packaging Life Sciences 43.20990
4th Phase (October 2020 – September 2023)

Prof. Dr. Md. Manjurul Haque
Department of Environmental Science
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)
Salna, Gazipur
Cell: 01716 513602
Email: haque_bes@bsmrau.edu.bd

Bioremediation of Industrial Wastewater by Bacterial Biofilm Consortia Life Sciences 42.39070
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Kamrul Hasan
Department of Agricultural Chemistry
Faculty of Agriculture
Sylhet Agricultural University
Mobile: +8801302742283; +8801993176486
Email: hasanmk.agrichem@sau.ac.bd

Silicon mediated scale-up of onion and mustard farming in Sylhet region and enhancement of early maturity with postharvest delay of bulb for future food security of Bangladesh CROP Science 50 download
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
University of Dhaka
Cell: 01914991223
Email: mizan.rahmanzool@du.ac.bd

Scaling up the genomic resources of fish to support monitoring and conservation of small indigenous species of Bangladesh Fisheries 70
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Saleha Khan
Dept. of Fisheries Management
Faculty of Fisheries
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mobile: 01913822745
E-mail: salehakhan@bau.edu.bd

Development of a Mass Culture Technology of a Nutritious Microalga Scenedesmus sp. and its Utilization in Rearing Zooplankton, Fish Larvae and Fry for Sustainable Enhanced Aquaculture in Bangladesh Fisheries 50.70
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Abdullah-Al Mamun
Dept. of Fisheries and Marine Science
Noakhali Science and Technology University
Cell: 01712928710
Email: mamun_au22@yahoo.com

Development of a model of intensive fish production through mechanization Fisheries 61.50
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Alimul Islam
Dept. of Microbiology and Hygiene
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01714325562
Email: alim_bau@yahoo.co.in

Isolation and characterization of emerging infectious and transboundary viral diseases of poultry and their control strategies Life Sciences 62 download
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Zahangir Alam
Dept. of Parasitology
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell No: 01746 611162
Email: mzalam@bau.edu.bd

Detection of anticoccidial drug resistance and development of vaccine candidate against chicken coccidiosis in Bangladesh Life Sciences 60
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Morshedur Rahman
Dept. of Dairy and Poultry Science
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur
Cell: 01787-062534
Email: morshed@bsmrau.edu.bd

Mining GABA producing probiotic lactic acid bacteria to formulate bio-functional fermented milk Life Sciences 57
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Sukumar Saha
Dept. of Microbiology and Hygiene
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mobile + 88-01740-847339
E.mail: sukumar.saha@bau.edu.bd

Development of bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs)-based vaccines for Newcastle disease and infectious bursal disease Life Sciences 65.10
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Sabita Rezwana Rahman  
Dept. of Microbiology
University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
Cell: 01552-638020
Email: sabita_rahman@hotmail.com; sabita_rahman@du.ac.bd

Genomic surveillance of antibiotic resistance and virulence of Salmonella spp. in poultry products and its biocontrol using bacteriophages Life Sciences 60.50
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Al-Mamun
Dept. of Animal Nutrition
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Prof. Dr. Tamanna Haque
(PI in Charge)
Dept. of Horticulture
Email: tamannahaque_hort@bau.edu.bd Cell: 01712001654
Mobile: 01715 051093 (Mamun)
Email: mamamun@bau.edu.bd

Sustainable commercialization of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) and seed value chain development for safe and functional broiler meat production Life Sciences 75
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Zashim Uddin
Plant Taxonomy Laboratory
Dept. of Botany
University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Cell: 01712770004
Email: zashim01@gmail.com; zashim@du.ac.bd

Development of better propagation techniques for the conservation of selected economically important rare plant species (Gac fruit, Bitter vine, Indian laurel, Elephant rope tree and true yam) of Bangladesh Health & Nutrition 50
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Shahiduzzaman
Dept. of Parasitology
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01779-094718
E-mail: szaman@bau.edu.bd

Identification and Molecular Characterization of Coccidiosis Resistant Breeds of Chicken in Bangladesh Life Sciences 56
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Riazul Islam
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Biological Sciences
University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Cell: 01741-487725
Email: mriazulislam@du.ac.bd

An Excellent Plant Growth Promoting and Biocontrol Endophytic Bacteria, Burkholderia contaminans NZ: Development of Suitable Formulations for its In-Field Application in Growth Promotion and Disease Management of Plants Microbial Practices in Agriculture 60
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Azad
Dept. of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Mobile: 01715-160921
E-mail: dakazad-btc@sust.edu; dakazad@yahoo.com

Study on Antimicrobial and Plant Growth Promoting Activities of Endophytic Fungal Isolates from Azadirachta indica Microbial Practices in Agriculture 64.60
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Tofazzal Islam
Plant Biotechnology Discipline
Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (IBGE)
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU)
Cell: 01714001414
Email: tofazzalislam@bsmrau.edu.bd

Development of an effective and novel biofungicide formulation for the sustainable management of wheat blast Microbial Practices in Agriculture 67
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Farzana Ashrafi Neela
Department of Botany
University of Rajshahi
Mobile: 01732-465793
Email: farzananeelabot@ru.ac.bd

From the farms to the consumers: occurrence and molecular characterization of antibiotic resistant bacteria and quantification of antibiotics on salad vegetables Microbial Practices in Agriculture 46.55
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Alamgir Hossain
Dept. of Crop Botany
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01717054080
E-mail: alamgir.cbot@bau.edu.bd

Up-scaling of BAU-Chia 1 cultivation in some less productive soils of Bangladesh: A high value export oriented compatible crop in Rain-fed Aman-BAU Chia 1-Aus rice system System Research 50.30
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mahbuba Jahan
Dept. of Entomology
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01716-370732
Email: mjahan_bau@yahoo.com; jahan-bau@bau.edu.bd

Prof. Dr. Abdul Alim
Department of Entomology
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Cell: 01714062618
Email: alim@hstu.ac.bd

Bio-rational management of Fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, an invasive pest in Bangladesh System Research 53
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mehfuz Hasan Saikat
Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur
Cell: 01552495428
E-mail: mehfuz@bsmrau.edu.bd

Development of drought tolerant doubled haploid eggplant lines for Barind tract utilizing local and exotic germplasm Climate Change 53
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asadul Haque
Dept. of Soil Science
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Dumki-8602, Patuakhali
Phone: 01715066089
Email: masadulh@yahoo.com; masadulh@pstu.ac.bd

Crop yields and heavy metal concentrations in saline soils as affected by exogenous silicon application at coastal region of Bangladesh Climate Change 52
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Chandra Kanta Dash
Dept. of Entomology
Sylhet Agricultural University
Cell: 01717287932
Email: dashck.entom@sau.ac.bd

Sustainable management of Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) Climate Change 50
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Almujaddade Alfasane
Dept. of Botany
University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Email: mujaddade@yahoo.com; mujaddade@du.ac.bd

Effects of climate change, sustainable uses and conservation strategies of aquatic flora in two different haors with special emphasis on Hakaluki Climate Change 46.50
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. G K M Mustafizur Rahman
Dept. of Soil Science
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University
Mobile: 01718 186642
E-mail: mustafiz@bsmrau.edu.bd

Microbial Diversity in some major agroecological zones of Bangladesh Natural Resources 64
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Rashidul Islam
Plant Bacteriology and Biotechnology
Department of Plant Pathology
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Cell: 01741-112529
E-mail: rashidul.islam@bau.edu.bd

Assessing biocontrol efficacy of atoxigenic Aspergillus flavus strains against aflatoxins contamination in maize produced in Bangladesh CROP Science 64.20
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shamsur Rahman
2 - year Proejct
Department of Fisheries
(Aquaculture Branch)
University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Cell: 01818-314899
Email: shamsur@du.ac.bd

Development of health management strategies to fight against emerging infectious diseases for sustainable shrimp aquaculture in Bangladesh Fisheries 45.70
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Shonia Sheheli
Dept. of Agricultural Extension Education
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mobile: 01711386441
Email: ssheheli.agext@bau.edu.bd

Vertical agriculture farming for improving food and nutrition security in the climate affected coastal region of Bangladesh using common interest group (CIG) approach CROP Science 56.44
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Dr. Md Asaduzzaman
Assistant Professor
Department of Marine Bioresource Science
Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
4225-Khushi, Chattogram
Cell: +880-1717-412049
Email: a_zamanbau@yahoo.com; asaduzzamancvasu@gmail.com

Participatory marine bivalve farming and market chain development for food security and livelihood support of vulnerable coastal communities of the Cox’s Bazar region, Bangladesh Fisheries 60
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdur Rashid
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Dhaka
Cell: 01711947741
Email: r.pchem@yahoo.com

Evaluation of marine macroalgae and endophytic fungi to explore their anticancer and antimicrobial potentials and functional food values Health & Nutrition 68
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Prof. Dr. Ferzana Islam
Dept. of Agroforestry and Environmental Science
Faculty of Agriculture
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka
Cell: 01715013998
Email: ferzanaislam@gmail.com

Development of climate smart agricultural package for integrated crop production using rooftop and vertical spaces to produce safe food in Bangladesh Climate Change 70
5th Phase (April 2023 – March 2026)

Dr. Muhammad Abdur Rashid
Senior Scientific Offlcer
Poultry Procluction Research Division
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
Savar Dhaka-1341
Cell: 01712234917
Email: marashid31@yahoo.com

Study on rural family chicken agro-enterprises modelling Economics and Marketing 66.50
"The BAS is happy to share a piece of good news that Dr Firdausi Qadri, Fellow, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences & icddr,b Scientist Receives Prestigious Clara Southmayd Ludlow Medal for Advancing Global Public Health" "BAS are excited to announce the upcoming 23rd Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference, set to take place on 30 November - 02 December, 2024 (Revised) at the National Science and Technology Complex (NSTC), located in Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh"