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Prof. M. Sohel Rahman

Professor M. Sohel Rahman was born on 09 March, 1977 to Md. Siddiqur Rahman, a Mechanical Engineer by training and Prof. Hosne Ara Begum (deceased), a former Professor of Nutrition at the College of Home Economics, Dhaka.

He had his B.Sc. Engg. (CSE) and M.Sc. Engg. (CSE) degrees from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2002 and 2004, respectively. He was awarded Ph.D. in Computer Science from King’s College, London, University of London in 2008. He had his early education in Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail and had placed himself in the combined merit lists in both SSC and HSC examinations.

Prof. Sohel Rahman started his professional career as a Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), BUET where he is currently serving as a Professor. He was a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Informatics, King’s College, London during 2014-15 and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Computer Science of the same institute during 2008-11. He had also taught as a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics, King's College London. He also worked briefly as a Visiting Fellow at University College London, UK and at McMaster University, Canada. 

During his professional career so far, Prof. Sohel Rahman has received several fellowships and scholarships including Commonwealth Scholarship, Commonwealth Fellowships, UCL-BDI Fellowship, LMS Grant, ACU Titular Fellowship etc. He is also a recipient of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Gold Medal (Junior Group) and UGC Award. He currently holds the appointment of a Distinguished Speaker of both the ACM and IEEE Computer Society. He is also appointed as a Regular Associate of the ICTP, Trieste, Italy.

Prof. Sohel Rahman has so far published 110 original research papers in international peer-reviewed journals and 100 international conference papers.

He has edited several books and journal special issues and regularly writes post-publication reviews at ACM Computing Review and Mathematical Review. He has also edited 9 books/special issues and written two textbooks (one in Bangla). Prof. Sohel Rahman is an Academic Editor of PLOS One journal and Associate Editor of BMC Research Notes journal. He also edited special issues as a Guest Editor in several journals including Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications and Fundamenta Informaticae (IOS Press).

He served as the Head of the Department of CSE, BUET during 2016-2018. Earlier, he was in charge of the whole IT Setup of BUET during his tenure as the Associate Director of System and Support wing of IICT, BUET.

Prof. Sohel Rahman regularly sits in national committees relating Computing and Education taking various policy decisions. Recent examples include the Administrative Committee formed by the honorable High Court of Bangladesh to investigate and propose recommendations to prevent Question Leak in public examinations in Bangladesh; Various Technical Committees for Electronic Voting Machine project; Various Technical Committees related to e-passport projects; etc. He is also involved in several youth activities in computing including ICPC Programming Contests and Informatics Olympiad. He is a member of the Bangladesh Informatics Olympiad Committee (BIOC) and is the incumbent Leader of the Bangladesh delegation at the International Olympiad in Informatics. He is the Chairman of the Sectoral Committee (for CSE) of the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Bangladesh, and is significantly contributing in the accreditation process for Engineering Education in Bangladesh.

He is also a member in the Working Group of String Algorithmics & Applications at the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee for Foundations of Computer Science. He is an EPSRC Peer Review College member and regularly reviews grant proposals submitted to EPSRC. He has given keynote speeches and invited talks in several international conferences, national events and at different foreign universities. He has also served as Program Committee Chair/Member in several occasions of reputed international conference series’.

Prof. Sohel Rahman is a Senior Member of both ACM & IEEE. He is a Member of American Mathematical Society (AMS), London Mathematical Society (LMS), Association Computability in Europe (CiE), and Association for Constraint Programming (ACP). He is a Fellow of Bangladesh Computer Society and Bangladesh Academy of Sciences. He was the Founding Vice Chairman of BUET ACM Chapter and Chairman of BUET ACM Chapter during 2018-19. He was also the Treasurer and Vice Chairman of IEEE BD Computer Society Chapter in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

Prof. Sohel Rahman has visited a number of countries for academic, research and professional purposes including but not limited  to Australia (conference presentation, research), Azerbaijan (Bangladesh delegation at IOI), Canada (research), Czech Republic (conference presentation), Finland (Govt. Delegation), France (conference presentation; Govt. Delegation), Germany (Govt. Delegation),  Greece (Govt. Delegation), India (Keynote Speech, Invited Seminar, ACM Lecture, Conference Presentation, research), Italy (Workshop), Japan (Bangladesh delegation at IOI), Maldives (Keynote Speech), Nepal (Conference Presentation), Netherlands (Govt. Delegation), Poland (research), Singapore (Invited Seminar, research), Slovakia (Conference Presentation), South Africa (research),  Sweden (Govt. Delegation), United Kingdom (research), etc.

Address: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET, ECE Building, West Palashi, Dhaka-1205, Bangladesh.

Cell/Whatsapp: +88001552389480. Skype: sohel.kcl.

Email: msrahman@cse.buet.ac.bd; sohel.kcl@gmail.com.