Upcoming activities:
23rd SCAC: Fourth Industrial Revolution and Future Society (26-28, Oct'24)
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On-Spot Project Review (BAS-USDA 6th Phase)- Jun'24
The Council with the approval of the AGM of the Academy shall appoint members from amongst the Fellows of the Academy, to Committees representing different branches of Science to be called Sectional Committees. The members of each Committee shall represent as far as possible several subdivisions of each major field of Science. The members of each Committee shall be chosen from amongst persons who in view of their expertise are especially equipped to advise the Council and the Academy on particular aspects of Science.
Each Sectional Committee shall advise the Council upon matters of national non-political importance.
These may include:
(i) Communications received from Government on high policy in Science and Technology.
(ii) Any special subject(s) referred by the Council of the Academy.
(iii) Suggestions about conferences, seminars and research projects, which the Academy may initiate in the national interest.
The Council will appoint the Convener and members of all sectional committees. The Conveners shall be responsible for all communications between the Committee and the Council. The tenure of the Sectional Committees will be for three years.
Physics, Applied Physics and Electronics, Mathematics, Statistics, Meteorology and Computer Science